2020 Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan from Eco-Cha

Our oolong for today is from Eco-Cha – a Summer 2020 Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan from Ruifeng, Taiwan. Leaf and Steeping Method Alishan Jin Xuan has a strong grassy buttery scent with some marigolds thrown in. As usual, I used 1 gram of per 15ml of vessel size, gongfu steeped in boiling water. After a rinse, the scent of the leaves moves to hot buttered grass and floral. Yes, I usually brew in gaiwan but today I couldn’t be bothered to get up and locate a gaiwan. Tasting of Eco-Cha’s Summer 2020 Alishan High Mountain Jin Xuan First and… Continue reading, hoot!