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Matcha Brand Comparison 2, Round 2 – Mid-range price $9.99 to $16.99 an ounce

It is time for the mid-range matcha brand comparison! For this Matcha Brand Comparison Round, the price point is $9.99 to $16.99 per ounce, average 13.69 price tag. Amazon Matcha Comparison Round 1 – Matcha Brands Comparison under $9.99 an ounce Round 3 – Matcha Brand Comparison $17 to $48 per ounce For full disclosure, like the other Matcha comparisons I’ve done, this is brought to you by Red Leaf Tea. Sadly, it looks like this price point is mostly Red Leaf Tea Matchas as well. Testing Procedure Every matcha is labelled by number or letter. I do not know what brands… Continue reading, hoot!