Turtle Cheesecake Black Tea from 52 Teas – Oolong Owl Tea Review

Turtle Cheesecake Black tea is a chocolate and pecan blend from 52 Teas / Zoomdweebies, an online seller of nerdy and unique teas. Turtle Cheesecake Black tea was Tea of the Week for September 2nd, 2013. Woot! Another Black Tea for Oolong Owl’s Black Tea Week! Turtles Chocolates remind me of Christmas time – it was a chocolate I’d get often as a gift, along with Terry’s Chocolate Oranges. I haven’t had turtles on cheesecake or tea, so I when this tea popped up for sale, I bought it immediately. Turtle Cheesecake Black tea also attracted a couple amigurumi turtles to help out with the… Continue reading, hoot!