Watermelon Xylophone from Butiki Teas – Tea Review

Watermelon Xylophone is a white organic silver needle tea with amaranth and organic watermelon flavoring. This tea comes from Butiki Teas, a great online loose leaf tea seller. I love melon teas. Watermelon Xylophone is on my list of my favorite teas. I practice brazilian jiu jitsu – from that, I was introduced to Watermelon juice. Amazing stuff! After a ragged, sweaty jiu jitsu class, I get home and make watermelon juice. I would get all sticky and gross cutting up watermelon and squeezing out the juice with my gracie juice bag. Totally worth it! The result is delicious, refreshing… Continue reading, hoot!

YaYa Strawberry from Steep City Teas – Tea Review

YaYa Strawberry is a green tea with strawberries and papaya, inspired by Cuban-style smoothies. This tea is from Steep City Teas, a new online tea seller based in Miami. I gotta say, I’ve never been to Florida. After watching lots of Burn Notice and Dexter, I wouldn’t mind going to see all the sights (and eat all the seafood). It’s pretty cool to see a tea seller inspired by something – with Steep City creating exotic, Miami inspired teas. I miss some of the references as I’m just a Canadian just figuring the culture here in California, but I enjoy seeing a new… Continue reading, hoot!

Jasmine Daughter Rings from Nature’s Tea Leaf – Tea Review

Jasmine Daughter Rings is a green tea from Nature’s Tea Leaf, an online seller of loose leaf tea. This tea is hand rolled into rings. FYI, Nature’s Tea leaf two types of this ring-looking tea: Daughter Rings Green tea and the Jasmine version I’m reviewing today. DRY LEAF: This tea is so cool looking – 100% why I wanted to try it. So much fun! The rings are all rolled into rings. I tried to unravel one and it crumbled. It was like “NO! I only steep in rings!” Jasmine Daughter Rings teaspooned onto a plate. Kinda looks like a… Continue reading, hoot!

Onyx from Physique Tea – Tea Review

Onyx is a single leaf pure aged sheng pu’erh from Physique Teas, online seller of bagged slimming teas. Onyx blend is promoted as a detox type tea due to it being a pu-erh. I believe it! I find pu-erh during or near the end of a cold does wonders as it gets all the slime out. I can see it being good for hangovers, but I’m not much of an alcohol drinker these days to test it. I’m a tea drinker! DRY LEAF: Surprisingly Onyx is very light on smell. If I get my nose right on the bag and take a huge… Continue reading, hoot!

Pineapple Upside Down Cake from Della Terra Teas – Tea Review

Pineapple Upside Down Cake is a black tea blend that tastes just like the name. This tea blend comes from Della Terra Teas, an online loose leaf tea seller. FYI – Della Terra has AMAZING and creative black tea blends. They do other teas, but the bulk of their lineup is black teas. Their chocolate teas are very chocolately and their marshmallow teas are extremely well done! Della Terra also has lots of good sales – for last black friday, in my opinion, had the best deal going out of all the online tea sellers. (I’m a tea nerd, I write… Continue reading, hoot!

Vanilla Orchid from DavidsTEA – Tea Review

Vanilla Orchid is a huang jin gui oolong flavored with vanilla. This tea is from DavidsTEA, an online loose leaf tea seller. What a morning! I have so many teas to try. I have a “try me” tupperware full of tea with more on the way. I recently did another DavidsTEA review, but the blue packaging and promise of creamy tea screamed at me to try it. I tried to talk myself out of it – I have a couple fun fruity blends and pu-erhs waiting, but no – Vanilla Orchid won. DRY LEAF: Tight lumps of dark green oolong.… Continue reading, hoot!

Cocomint Cream from DavidsTEA – Tea Review

Cocomint Cream is a herbal, caffeine free tea featuring apple, coconut and peppermint. This tea is from DavidsTEA, a pretty cool Canadian loose leaf tea seller. I recently did an order with them, snagging a couple tea pots and a bunch of tea. See my smexy teal bubble pot above? So pretty! I’m on a hunt for good herbals as my tea collection is heavy on caffeine teas and I’d love to drink more tea in the evening. I decided to give Cocomint Cream a shot as I enjoy coconut teas. What is funny is my husband dislikes coconut (and tea for that matter)… Continue reading, hoot!

Yuzu Kukicha from Den’s Tea – Tea Review

Yuzu Kukicha is a loose twig Japanese green tea (kukicha) flavored with yuzu and matcha. I got Yuzu Kukicha from Den’s Tea, an online tea seller of Japanese Green teas. In case you were wondering, Yuzu is an aromatic tart citrus fruit which kinda looks like a grapefruit/lemon. DRY LEAF: Zesty, fresh citrus scent – kind of a mix of grapefruit and lime to me. Close up, the leaves for Yuzu Kukicha are very pretty – love the yuzu bits and the dusting of matcha. Oooh, very pretty looking tea! STEEPED: Okay – I strictly followed the steeping instructions here –… Continue reading, hoot!

Honeysuckle by The Persimmon Tree – Tea Review

Honeysuckle is an organic pu’erh tea from The Persimmon Tree, an online loose leaf tea seller. First off, The Persimmon Tree. This tea seller has some fantastic teas – they got their flavoring of tea down to a science of amazingness. I love all their coconut teas the most, very creamy and real tasting coconut. Besides taste, The Persimmon Tree mission, as stated on their website, is to enrich people’s lives through the pleasure of tea. They demonstrate this mission by being environmentally conscious with their packaging. For their teas, they offer organic and fair trade teas. Each tea online describes their… Continue reading, hoot!

Den’s Tea Sampler unboxing

Swweeet! I did an order with Den’s Tea, an online seller of Japanese Green Teas. If you are looking for some solid Japanese green teas, I highly recommend them. They have a really good deal going on, with their $3 Novice Sampler pack! (pssst, price includes shipping!) I snagged one a month or two ago, and it came with like 5 bags of tea, a couple 10gram packets of loose leaf teas and a $3 coupon! So, with this new order, I used the coupon, thus making those samples free, hehe! Here’s my recent order: Hmm, that’s a big box for just the… Continue reading, hoot!