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Timucua Yaupon from Yaupon Asi Tea – Oolong Owl Tea Review

Today I’ll be reviewing Yaupon Asi Tea’s Timucua Yaupon. So, I saw these guys at the World Tea Expo. I got REALLY EXCITED. I’ve seen Yaupon being sold on Kickstarter, but not in small quantities for me to sample. For this tea owl, a new kind of tea/tisane = Sign me up! More information on Yaupon and Yaupon Asi: Yaupon is the shoots and leaf off the Yaupon Holly plant. Yaupon was consumed by the First Nations (heh, can you tell I’m Canadian?) before battle. Yaupon has A LOT of caffeine, at par with coffee with 6 to 10mg per gram. This… Continue reading, hoot!