Welcome to 2024! 2023 went incredibly fast for me with all the caffeine and crafting. 2024 is looking to be a large shift compared to previous years. I’ve been Oolong Owling for 12 years now. A decade public display of my tea guzzling, teaware collecting, addiction, and wallet destruction.

Oolong Owl’s Tea Stash
Google Sheet Template of my Tea Stash Spreadsheet!
Save a copy and start keeping track of your stash. Spreadsheets are forever, flexible, and unitaskers – you’ll never be at the mercy of an app or website.
Previous Years
2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
I managed to track my tea stash for 8 years and in 2023 I started to lose track as my schedule changed and got busier. My sheet is at 801 teas and that’s likely close to the right number as I added a few from monthly tea clubs and drank plenty down.

Before I started to lose track, my stash was in dire need of inventory and reorganization. Hopefully, in a few months, I can go through all the teas. Though the spreadsheet at this point is tracking the ages of my teas and what I have, as my tea buying habits changed. I buy way less tea and when I buy, it’s full cakes. I bought 2 tongs this year! Some teas are in the daily drinker or flavored tea $0.10 range. For other teas I go all in… $200 all in.

With that, I feel my sense of taste shifted. It is not related to bitter or sweet, just some profile flavors that just turn my stomach. Roasted and bitter stuff seems more in my taste. I also tend to leaf a little less, no more 1g/12ml+ days ha! And when I have time for a serious gongfu session, I’m drinking the good stuff.
2023 Highlights
I met an owl! Will I get into Falconry?

Tea Festivals are back! I attended the Cascadia Tea Festival and NW Tea Festival. I’m most certainly going to the next Cascadia Tea Festival in April 2024. Portland Tea Festival is uncertain as I’m planning to be at Blacksheep Gathering and I’m not sure if I’ll have it in me to drive to Oregon again.

2024 Post Schedule
Yeah, the pink elephant (owl?) in the room. I’m posting less content. To be transparent, I got fewer tea writing gigs thanks to AI. Since I’m not almost full-time working on tea things my priorities change to other work. That other work takes more of my hours and has been more profitable. It is what it is. Thankfully, we still need humans to taste tea so at least my writing isn’t completely dead.
That said, with a less reliable posting schedule, more better to subscribe to updates or follow my various social medias. I aim to post on either Wednesday or Sundays.