This post is my 1000th (Owlthousanth) post, holy hoots!

It is a feat to stick with blogging this long as I’ve seen many tea bloggers come and go in my time. Oolong Owl started back in January 2013 in a quest to get more tea and creative control over my tea reviews. I thought I’d take the time to share some of my more memorable Oolong Owl posts and talk about the ones I enjoyed writing.
Most popular post of all time
Matcha Comparison series – Honesty is the best policy and in these tea reviews, I had no problems saying a tea was bad. I drink matcha almost daily and I personally do not have room for poor quality matcha.

I would love to do another Matcha comparison again, but I likely need a bankroll as comparing that much matcha isn’t cheap. (Nudge nudge, check out my Kofi support page).
First popular post
Disneyland Club 33 Experience – Did you know there is an exclusive dining room in Disneyland that only lets in 500 members with a membership entry of $25k, $12k a year, then $150 a meal? I went back in 2013, had lunch and tea. This blog was posted on Reddit and my brain exploded at how well it did.

My favorite posts to write – Anything Travel or Festival
Out of all the blog articles, my favorite by far is all the travel and festival ones. I love hunting down all the cool tea things in a place, trying the newest tea gadgets, carrying shopping bags full of stuff, and sharing my finds. It is also just magic to float on a cruise ship and taking photos of my tea.

If I had to pick my favorite travel festival post, it would be the World Tea Expo Fu Zhuan with Cwyn day.

Finally, out of curiosity, what do you get out of Oolong Owl? Entertainment, living vicariously through my tea hoarding, tea buying help, or tea knowledge? Let me know in the comments!
Finally, thank you to all my readers and supporters!