January 2017 White2Tea Club feat Butter Flower, Milan, and Shui Xian Oolong

Finally, the January 2017 White2Tea Club! The mail has been pretty terrible coming out of China lately, likely a large cause being near Lunar New Year. Oddly, my February 2017 club arrived before my January one! People have been bugging me for weeks to review these teas, Butter Flower in particular, but there was nothing I could do as the shipment was delayed! January 2017 White2Tea club features a sampling of White2Tea’s new oolongs – Butter Flower, Milan Dancong, and Shui Xian. All oolongs are available for purchase now. Dry Leaf and Steeping Method Butter Flower has a distinct floral scent. My… Continue reading, hoot!

Superior Wuyi Aged Golden Buddha Oolong from Treasure Green

This Superior Wuyi Aged Golden Buddha Oolong was a tea drunk upsold purchase at Treasure Green in Vancouver, Canada, during my trip to Vancouver last year. I’ve learned this is why tea shops have you sit down and drink tea with them as the tea drunk makes for easy upselling. I’m at the point where I have accepted this, especially in the hands of a good tea seller – I will always go home with great teas. I am not sure what went through my mind purchasing this oolong. It was harvested in Jiulong Zhai, Wuyi Mountain in 2004 and has gone… Continue reading, hoot!

2016 Midas Touch Sheng Puer from Crimson Lotus Tea

I purchased a cake of Crimson Lotus Tea’s 2016 Midas Touch Sheng, since I enjoyed the 2015 one so much. The 2015 Midas Touch sold out so fast that I didn’t get my hands on it! That said, I bought this cake blind, not risking on losing out. I did review the 2015 Midas Touch, however it was a comparison piece with another Jingmai sheng… and I found that tea session most legendary for how tea drunk I got, so not the most accurate of reviews. I had to sit down at one point as the room spun. Owning the cake is… Continue reading, hoot!

Nepal Tea Kickstarter and Tea Review

I first encountered Nepal Tea LLC at the last World Tea Expo. I recall being served some really nice white teas and them being really enthusiastic about their family tea farm being the first certified organic tea garden in Nepal. They also provide housing and education to the locals. I’ve had these teas since World Tea Expo. I have White Prakash and Shangri-La Oolong. With the launch of Nepal Tea’s Kickstarter, I figure this would be good timing to check their teas out! White Prakash Dry Leaf: It is surprisingly dense for a white tea – White Prakash weighed out quite heavy for… Continue reading, hoot!

Tillerman Tea Oolongs – Tea Review

Tillerman Tea is an online oolong seller located in the US. They only carry Taiwanese oolongs. I happen to enjoy Taiwanese oolongs so I am excited to see how Tillerman Tea stacks up. I didn’t look much into each tea until after I drank them. I got three to try – Dong Ding, Oriental Beauty, and Muzha Tieguanyin. All three teas I steeped with the same method –  1 gram of leaf to 15ml of vessel size, in this case, a gaiwan. I did quick infusions with boiling water. Tillerman Tea’s Dong Ding Dry Leaf: The Dong Ding oolong is big chunky… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 30 – Into the Depths of Amazon’s Tea World

In a night of tea drunkery and boredom, I descended into the depths of Amazon’s tea world. The madness started when I was linked this Collapsible Tea Kettle. At first I was impressed as this kettle is so space efficient and lime green! Rest assured, it also comes in bio-hazard orange! Then I read the 1 star reviews of the kettle melting violently when people left it unattended. I don’t think I am ever going to leave auto-shut-off boil-dry techno town. I then went down the search engine hole.. when you hit page 15 you start getting the weird stuff. Stuff that seems useful to only… Continue reading, hoot!

Red Peony from Floating Leaves Tea

I frequent Floating Leaves Tea quite often and I didn’t know she carried this tea until I was at the Seattle Tea Festival. I can’t remember how it went, it must of been on sample, and I was super tea drunk. Red Peony is a Ruby 18 cultivar, which is usually made into black tea, but is processed like a bai mu dan white tea. WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?! I haven’t even heard anyone do that to a Ruby 18, even then Ruby 18 is a newer tea that you don’t see that often to begin with as people seem to… Continue reading, hoot!

Silver Tea Pot Review and Testing

Silver Tea pots have been all the rage recently and it is hard to ignore due to how pretty they are! Crimson Lotus Tea lent me one of their Silver Tea Pots to experiment with. Prior to this, I’ve been lucky to drink out of silver tea pots a few times, with Crimson Lotus of course, but also I had a comparison tasting while at the Chinese Tea Shop in Vancouver, Canada. This time I’ve had my wings on this pot for weeks, using it on various teas and playing around. The particular Silver Tea Pot from Crimson Lotus Tea I was quite impressed with.… Continue reading, hoot!

Taste of Taiwan Chapter 1 from Teaful – Tea Review

Teaful is a new tea experience that curates a box of teas with a theme of exploration of tea producing region. They list what teas are in each chapter, so there are no surprises for what you get. I got the Taste of Taiwan Chapter 1 box, but there is another box that comes with teaware. Unboxing of Teaful’s Taste of Taiwan Chapter 1 Teaful has some slick and modern packaging! Inside is the four teas in individual boxed cubbies. In each box is the tea foil or vacuum sealed, depending on the tea. The first box is Taste of Taiwan… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Day at Floating Leaves Tea and ArtXchange Gallery

I had a long day last Saturday drinking tea at Floating Leaves Tea and visiting the ArtXchange Gallery in Seattle. Floating Leaves Tea has classes at least once a month, and this month we had some interesting oolongs she found on her recent sourcing trip to Taiwan. A couple teas were an educational tasting, as some where picked in late December or roasted very recently. It’ll be fun to drink these teas again in a few months once the roast has settled down. I drank 8 teas, some really interesting such as  Baozhong made with Chi Lan varietal and a Hong… Continue reading, hoot!