February 2016 White2tea club – Tea Review

I know, it is mid March, so I got this tea a month ago. Unfortunately, the February club arrived late, despite the club shipping them early to avoid Lunar New Year. Then I went out of town, got sick and now I’m moving. I will not be 2 months late! For February 2016 we got a pair of 2005 teas – 2005 Aged White Tea Zhenghe and 2005 Teji Tuo Sheng Pu’er, a total of 125 grams of tea. 2005 Teji Tuo Sheng – February 2016 White2tea club I was warned that the 2005 Teji Tuo is super potent. Some people… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 15 – Oolong Owl is moving to Seattle!

First I go on vacation, then I get hella sick. However now another thing has come up – Tea Hating Husband got a new job, it is in Seattle, and he is starting in 2 weeks. That said, we are moving! So far it has been a huge scramble trying to organize things, as when you live somewhere for so long you acquire a lot of stuff. My husband hasn’t moved much so he’s got even more things *cough 6′ in laser discs cough*. Since we are on a short time frame, there’s lots going on here. The Tea Owls have been… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 14 – Sick Tea. What tea to drink while sick?

I recently came back from Vancouver. Unfortunately, like every freaking time I go on vacation or leave town, I come home and get violently sick. This time around I thought I was going to break the curse as I didn’t get sick right away (plus I’m from Vancouver, I should be used to the germs) to suddenly get attacked a few days after, and me getting progressively worse and worse each day. Today feels like the worst, like my chest is going to birth a snot baby. I’m generally pretty active, I get my arbitrary 10k steps a day and weight lift 56… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Vancouver Tea February 2016

I’ve been MIA over a week because I was in Vancouver, my home town. I was in town for the wedding of a long time friend so I was quite busy as a bridesmaid. mmm wedding cupcakes. I was able to set aside one day to hit Vancouver Chinatown and do some serious tea shopping with my US dollar. Hey, it is a good time to buy from Canada right now! First off, I met up with some Vancouver local Steepster friends, which was super awesome! Tea friends also run into the issue of enabling each other into buying more tea. I started at… Continue reading, hoot!

2013 Da Hong Pao Tea Blocks from Bana Tea Company – Tea Review

Bana Tea Company, that many of us love for their pu’er, also carries some oolongs. When I was at the LA Tea Festival I could not resist treating myself to a box of oolong. The Da Hong Pao Tea blocks is a 2013 spring tea, weighing in at 150 grams total. Packaging and Dry Leaf The Da Hong Pao oolong is pressed into serving sized squares that are easy to break off. I see this tea as a big chocolate bar! The oolong has a wonderful sweet roasty scent, yum! Bana Tea said each piece is around 8.5 but the corner… Continue reading, hoot!

Yet another Teaware.house raid feat. White Ruyao Gaiwan

I had a Teaware.House order come last month, then I got caught up busy with the mediation of the Tea Owl union moving to becoming a Parliament, so some of these pieces of sneaked into Oolong Owl reviews. Teaware.House has many really nice tea ware pieces and the pricing is really fair. The quality is quite good too, better than many of the rando cheap tea ware I buy off aliexpress. Teaware.House Cups I can easily be persuaded to buy a tea cup, especially pretty ones that cost under $10. It’s for photos and Tea Owls to sit in! That said, I need lots… Continue reading, hoot!

Tea Lovers Organic Ceremonial Matcha from My Matcha Life

More matcha, what else is new here at Oolong Owl? I got so much matcha here, but I end up drinking it at least 4 times a week so at least I’m getting through it all. Today’s review is from My Matcha Life. They sell on their site, but also on Amazon. I know you guys love Amazon for tea since you can use those amazon gift cards. My Matcha Life has a few different matchas, this one is the Tea Lover’s Organic Ceremonial Matcha, but they also have a culinary and a latte grade matcha. On the My Matcha… Continue reading, hoot!

2014 Iron Forge Shou Puer from Crimson Lotus Tea – Tea Review

Today’s tea review is Crimson Lotus Tea‘s 2014 Iron Forge Shou Puer. This pu’er is a huang pian (big leaf or not pretty leaf material) from Yiwu. Generally huang pian pu’er is cheaper, making it a really affordable option. This is reflected in Iron Forge, at this time $38 for 500g of tea! I seriously bought this tea because the name and packaging was awesome. I’ve been watching Glen from Crimson Lotus Tea make pu’er knives on Instagram, and it seems totally fitting to have a metal work feel. At the time of order, I had finished the season of Forged… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 13 – Tea Table Flowers

As an checkout impulse buy at the Asian Supermarket, I bought a narcissus bulb in a water dish. I’m pretty bad at plants, I’m alright with succulents as I can propagate them faster than I can kill them and I can keep a lucky bamboo alive, so I figure I could give this narcissus a go. I placed it behind my tea table for a more interesting background, whereas most of the background is my paper towel holder, blow torch, and tupperware containers. In a few days, it bloomed pretty white star shaped flowers with yellow middles! Interesting background indeed!… Continue reading, hoot!

Coffee Leaf Tea, Mango and Mint from Wize Monkey

Coffee Leaf Tea! I previously reviewed Wize Monkey’s unflavored Coffee Leaf Tea. They also did really well at the World Tea Expo 2015! Coffee Leaf Tea is quite the innovative product as it uses the leaf which can be harvested all year round vs the coffee beans’ 3 month harvest window. The tea tastes pretty good too. It appears Wize Monkey has new packaging, as well as a sample pack of their new flavors, Mango Party and Mint Marvel. The sampler pack is in a kraft bag, but the box is really well designed with lots of information about Coffee Leaf… Continue reading, hoot!