Sunday Tea Hoots 3 – Being a Canadian Tea Drinker in the US

With it recently being Canada Day (July 1st) and living in the US, I was thinking what it was like being a Canadian Tea Drinker. There’s a sort of pride in being a Canadian Tea drinker and being set apart from our North American neighbour. Before my obsessive tea drinking days begun – I had heard that tea sold in Canada was better quality as 1. We get the British stuff and 2. Canadians will not drink crappy tea. I googled around for proof. Right off the bat the two big tea bag brands – Red Rose and Tetley pop up… Continue reading, hoot!

Billimalai and Chamraj Nilgiri White from The Tea Shelf – Tea Review

The Tea Shelf sent me a bunch of different Indian teas and I saw this as a great opportunity to compare the two white teas they carry at this time. The similarities are they are both white, Indian nilgiri and 2015 winter flush teas. Dry Leaf First and on the left of all photos is Billimalai Nilgiri White. This tea is from the Billimalai tea estate. The dry leaf is more colorful with a range of olives and golds with an almost smokey scent. Second, and on the right is Chamraj Nilgiri White, from the largest Nilgiri tea factory Chamraj.… Continue reading, hoot!

June White2tea Club – Tea Review

Oohhhh yeah, June White2Tea Club time! This month is impressive with newly pressed pu’er! I’m going to review both teas that were included this month, so it’ll be a long Oolong Owl post today. So, in the June White2Tea Club is 2014 Ripe Pu’er Orbs x3 and 2015 Teaclub Gourd 100g. 2014 Ripe Pu’er Orbs First up, the Balls! You get 3 Ripe Pu’er Orbs and they came with instructions, if you choose to accept them. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED HOOT! The tea balls look like wrapped truffles! I unwrapped all three orbs. I tucked two of the orbs away, setting a note… Continue reading, hoot!

2010 Kunlu Spring Sheng Pu’er from Wymm Tea – Tea Review

Not too long ago I received a package of new samples from Wymm Tea. Oooh yeah I cannot say no to pu’er samples especially from my home town of Vancouver, Canada! Like the last sample pack I received, Wymm Tea has beautiful packaging. I love the simplicity and the design. If you haven’t seen their website, it is also beautiful to just browse around and soak up the tea as well as pretty informative on pu’er. The paper (which you can also purchase extra on their site) is hand made! I had a hard time choosing a tea to drink. I… Continue reading, hoot!

2011 Sheng Pu-erh from Single Origin Tea – Tea Review

I’ve noticed my review queue has a lot of pu’er in it, I hope no one minds. I don’t mind – the more pu’er in my stash the better! Today’s pu’er is from Single Origin Tea – a 2011 Sheng. Upon further reading into this pu’er, it is a Bu Lang mountain tea. Dry Leaf I have a sample, to the leaf is broken up into loose bits. The tea is softly scented. Steeping Instructions I went with 190f water temperature. I did one rinse and started with 20 second infusions using a gaiwan. My new tea pet quite enjoyed paddling through… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 2 – Dad

I had something else planned to post for Oolong Owl’s Sunday Tea Hoots but then realized it was Father’s Day today. Plus June 21 is also my Dad’s birthday. Poor guy, often Father’s Day is in the June 20s so he gets stuck with the same double duty gift! I don’t think my dad really reads Oolong Owl, but that is okay he has an excuse. My dad is legally blind so he’s not that computer friendly. He can somewhat get by with a iPad, mostly for email, taking photos, playing games and watching videos I send him. (You want to… Continue reading, hoot!

Yet again, Oolong Owl bought another ru kiln gaiwan and rabbit tea pet

I was doing my usual browsing through aliexpress and found a really sweet gaiwan! I also snagged a tea pet while I was at it! My tea pet is one I’ve seen around instagram plus I remember a tea seller having one in her facebook photos. I’ve wanted it for some time and I finally found one for an alright price so I jumped on it. It’s a bunny on a leaf boat tea pet! The tea pet is pretty cute as when you pour tea on him it fills up the boat! Thankfully, filling up the boat does not… Continue reading, hoot!

June 2015 Simple Loose Leaf – Tea Review

Time for the June Simple Loose Leaf box! Simple Loose Leaf box info – Simple Loose Leaf is a monthly Co-op tea box that sends 4 to 6 loose leaf tea samples (1/4oz size) – you get a wide assortment of different teas such as straight teas, blends and herbals. With being in the Tea Co-op, you get a membership ID. If you enjoy and want more tea that you’ve sampled, you can purchase it from the Simple Loose Leaf Tea Shop for 50% off. For your first box, you can enter OolongOwl for a 50% off your first Simple Loose Leaf’s Tea co-op box! For… Continue reading, hoot!

2010 Hai Lang Hao Ripe Pu’er from Yunnan Sourcing – Tea Review

Today’s tea review is a ripe pu’er from Yunnan Sourcing! 2010 Hai Lang Hao “As You Like” Ripe Pu’er! This 357 gram cake is available on Yunnan and Yunnan This particular ripe pu’er is low to medium fermented that is a blend of various years of Menghai material. I purchased this cake with a Yunnan ripe pu’er order I did back in September 2014. I’m not sure what attracted me to this cake – the name is cute and the promise of future aging was interesting. An interesting note, I paid $24 for this cake, now it’s $38! Teal “Pu’er… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 1 – Tea Drunk Yoga

Welcome to the first installment of Oolong Owl’s “Sunday Tea Hoots”. Sunday Tea Hoots is about Oolong Owl life randomness related to tea! Tea Drunk Yoga I’ve been dabbling in Yoga on and off for years. This year I’ve been really pushing to re-composition my body as married life has led me to enjoy baking and eating a little too much. I am doing a bunch of stuff with success, but that could be another Sunday Tea Hoot. To do a bit more, I decided to do Yoga more regularly. I’m on a 30 day yoga challenge, which I’ve almost completed (eehhh… Continue reading, hoot!