Country Breakfast Tea from Teafolks – Oolong Owl Tea Review

Country Breakfast Tea is a black tea with maple syrup, lapsang souchong, maple hickory smoked bacon jerky and chai spices – ginger, cardamon, cinnamon, coriander, cloves and black pepper. This wildly creative tea blend is from TeaFolks, tea seller based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Their teas can be purchased online. First off, this tea has REAL BACON in it. This tea is not vegetarian! I’ve had bacon teas in the past, Maple Bacon Iced Tea from Southern Boy/ Zoomdweebies which has bacon flavors or imitation bacon in it but not the real stuff. I didn’t think real bacon tea could even… Continue reading, hoot!

Traveling Tea Box Fun with Oolong Owl

Another travelling tea box made its way to the Oolong Owl and the Tea Owl’s possession! YUM! If you are interested in trying a whole bunch of new teas, I highly recommend hooking up with one of these Travelling Tea Boxes. A travelling tea box is a box full of tea that you can sample teas out of and then you add your teas into the box – usually of the same amount of tea you took out. Some of themed like unflavored, black teas or herbals only, others are exclusively set to mail within a country or two, while others… Continue reading, hoot!

Spicely Tea Infused Chocolates and Chai Rooibos – Oolong Owl Tea Review

TEA INFUSED CHOCOLATE! Yes! As a tea lover I am down with the tea + chocolate idea. Spicely, a California based company, has a big line up of spices, herbs, extracts, teas and now chocolates! Many of their products are at stores like Whole Foods, but they also have their own Boutique in San Francisco. You may also order their products online. I got a bunch of samples from Spicely at the World Tea Expo – tea and chocolates! I guess I wouldn’t of mind some spices too. My spice collection is also out of control (like my tea, yarn and nail polish collections).… Continue reading, hoot!

Earl Grey Premium from Ocean of Tea – Oolong Owl Tea Review

Today’s review is Ocean of Tea’s Earl Grey Premium. Ocean of Tea is an online loose leaf tea seller. I really felt like Earl Grey today. I made a batch of lemon curd for my mother in law but also made myself an extra jar. My lemon curd has been in my fridge for awhile. So, I made some scones to have with my lemon curd. Scones and lemon curd? I need some black tea, an Earl Grey, to go with these tasty treats! Dry Leaf The dry leaf of Earl Grey Premium is super fragrant bergamont, wowee! Like fresh grated… Continue reading, hoot!

Tea Star Oolong from Justea – Oolong Owl Tea Review

Tea Star is a pesticide free, direct trade oolong that is a hand tied, world’s first bag-less tea bag. This really cool oolong is from Justea – Vancouver, BC based tea seller of direct trade Kenyan Teas. While I was at the World Tea Expo I saw the Tea Star! It tasted amazing, the concept is really cool, as well as the tea being hand tied. With that said, there is a lot of love put into this tea. I’ve reviewed Justea in the past during their crowd funding campaign. Since then they have cooperatively built a tea processing kitchen with the tea farmers… Continue reading, hoot!

Fashionista Tea – Oolong Owl Tea Review

I had the pleasure of meeting Fashionista Tea at the World Tea Expo 2014! I quite liked the idea of combining fashion and tea – it also helps that I think tea is becoming more fashionable! What caught my eye right away was the sleek packaging for Fashionista Tea. The leopard print heels are a nice touch. A number of their teas are Fair Trade and Organic certified, available loose leaf and sachets. I also have the pleasure of reviewing some of Fashionista Tea teas! A couple of the feminine Tea Owls were happy to help! First up – Organic Fashionista Blend –… Continue reading, hoot!

Kikkerland Robot Tea Infuser – Oolong Owl Teaware review

I got a Kikkerland Robot Tea Infuser for christmas, yay! Novelty tea infusers entertain me. I feel like I want to collect them, but at the same time I feel they are probably subpar compared to my current tea set up. Apparently, at least on the amazon listing for  Kikkerland Robot Tea Infuser, you can get the same style of tea infuser, but in a frog, climber, diver, monkey, rocket and the Queen forms. There is also an axe tea infuser – I think that one should only be used for hibiscus teas! MUAHAHAHA! Anyways, there’s lots of styles to suit your fancy… Continue reading, hoot!

Magicienne Tea from Nina’s Paris – Oolong Owl Tea Review

Hi Tea Peeps! During the World Tea Expo 2014 I was able to check out Nina’s Paris! They had a gorgeous set up! I love their tins! Nina’s Paris also has quite a selection of teas, especially for black tea blends. I have sampled a few teas from Nina’s Paris before and they were quite good, especially their signature blend Marie Antoinette. While I was at their booth, they had their tea Magicienne to taste and it was fanstastic! I got a sample of Magicienne to take home – let’s sample it together! Dry Leaf The green tea here has a gorgeous vibrant green, accented… Continue reading, hoot!

2014 White2Tea 46&2 Raw Pu’er – Oolong Owl Tea Review

2014 White2Tea 46&2 Raw Pu’er is a tea from 2013 Jingmai leaves, spring 2014 pressed. This pu’er is from White 2 Tea, Beijing based online tea seller. First off – this has got to be the coolest pu’er name! When this tea arrived the other week, it spawned a Tool marathon for a few days, with a few extra plays of Forty Six & 2. White 2 Tea confirmed with me that the name of this pu’er is a reference to the Tool song! White 2 Tea has some really neat, modern pu’er cake wrapper art. I’m working off a sample so I don’t have… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl’s Tea Stash – June 2014

I’ve been procrastinating on posting pictures of my tea stash. My tea stash is crazy! The World Tea Expo didn’t help for the barrage of samples I got. I was keeping count on Steepster, using the cupboard feature. My cupboard says 235 teas, but I’ve been slow to updating when I get new teas, especially teas that aren’t in the Steepster system. My space for tea is in the living room. I have a bookcase for my tea and a bookcase for my teaware. My pu’er is kept separate in an empty dresser in my bedroom. I decided to count out all my… Continue reading, hoot!