Sunday Tea Hoots 35 – Tea with TeaDB

I have tea with James from TeaDB once in a while since we live in the Seattle area. I met up with him soon after I moved to Seattle and learned he is a super chill and seems to not mind my gossipy hooting. If you aren’t familiar with TeaDB, James and Denny mostly do video tea review content, and you need to check them out especially if you are a puer person. is a site I personally have been following regularly for years as the written content is knowledgeable and thorough as well as they drink stuff I don’t get my claws on.

I was a special guest for two videos – the first one is about tea blogging.

The final video is a tasting of my 800 gram Fu Brick wrecker I referenced in my last World Tea Expo trip.

Oh no there is video evidence of me not knowing how to look at a camera! If there is a next time, I need a dancing owl on the tripod so that I’ll look at it, haha!

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