I thought I wasn’t going to do this again. NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month. This event has your write a 50,000 novel, or at least jump start on one. The point is to just get the ideas down. Broken down, writing 50k words isn’t too bad as it’s just 1,667 words a day. If you follow NaNoWriMo communities or their newsletters, people get together and write of all ages writing their great insert-country novel. Some even publish theirs.
I participated in 2012 NaNoWriMo and “won”. Winning NaNoWriMo means I got 50,000 words written that month. Actually the last day was a mess as my word count in my writing program said I had 50k, but you have to copy and paste your story into NaNoWriMo to prove you got the word count. NaNoWriMo said was short so I had to guzzle down a bunch of black tea and get it done, finishing just a few hours away. Feeling accomplished to discover you actually fell short feels pretty sucky.
2013 I was busy. 2013 the new Pokemon game came out so I was too busy playing to work on the great Oolong Owl novel.
2014 I tried. I had such a great idea – a young adult romance about a university student who works a tea shop and goes on a cruise. I consumed so much 2010 Haiwan Peerless Ripe Pu’er that I severely put a dent in that 500 gram cake. Unfortunately, I only got to 27,951 words. I had some legit excuses – tea blogging gets pretty busy November for Christmas teas. My crocheting commissions also are busy in November. My birthday is in November. Reasons I fell behind were also my own fault like spending too much time on Reddit and playing World of Warcraft.
2015. Yesterday October 31st I decided, no I will not do NaNoWriMo. I’m just too busy in November despite last month I wrote an entire list of characters, descriptions and plot line. Not to mention the same deal for two other book ideas. Oh, and a week ago I had a great idea for fan fic for a book I had just read. Crap.
Today, November 1st 2015. I had just finished eating homemade beefy noodle soup while reading a new fantasy series that I’m not 100% happy with. I made a big glass of that super spiced Russian Samovar tea I got in Alaska. I had planned to crank out some crochet work, drink tea, rewatch youtube videos, and muck around on reddit. I was flipping through my Evernote and saw all novel notes and thought I’d see how fast writing a bit would flow. BOOM, 2k words in a sitting. Well hoot, I guess I’m doing this. Hopefully I don’t crash and burn again, but this time I’m entering in with a better plan. MOAR TEA!
Instead of trying to write and get ahead, I’m here. I thought about not telling anyone as if no one knew I was doing this, people wouldn’t know I failed it if I failed. Anyways, here I am, again. It seems I’ll never get time for my stories unless I got a month telling me so.
Feel free to comment, leave a message, friend me and we can drunk ungodly amounts of tea while we write together. Or silently judge each other’s word count throughout the month. I still got some of that 2010 Haiwan Peerless pu left…