2010 Hai Lang Hao Ripe Pu’er from Yunnan Sourcing – Tea Review

Today’s tea review is a ripe pu’er from Yunnan Sourcing! 2010 Hai Lang Hao “As You Like” Ripe Pu’er! This 357 gram cake is available on Yunnan Sourcing.us and Yunnan Sourcing.com. This particular ripe pu’er is low to medium fermented that is a blend of various years of Menghai material. I purchased this cake with a Yunnan Sourcing.us ripe pu’er order I did back in September 2014. I’m not sure what attracted me to this cake – the name is cute and the promise of future aging was interesting. An interesting note, I paid $24 for this cake, now it’s $38! Teal “Pu’er… Continue reading, hoot!