Strawberry Daiquiri Honeybush from 52 Teas – Tea Review

Strawberry Daiquiri Honeybush is a fun, drink inspired blend from 52 Teas / Zoomdweebie’s. This limited time, tea of the week blend is also caffeine free! I bought this tea immediately. No “let’s wait and see if it’s popular” or procrastinating. Though, with 52 Teas, if one procrastinates, it should be kept to a minimum as the teas can sell out! I love 52 Teas honeybush blends. Pineberry Honeybush was pretty funky. Peanut butter cup cheesecake honeybush I worship. I had a few samples of others from tea trades that were fantastic as well. The girlie owls have gathered – they want an… Continue reading, hoot!