This is my most anticipated teas of the year – the Kuura Esprit De Corp 2023 Tea Club. When they announced it, I didn’t even hesitate to join. I’m a sucker for limited quantities, and there were only 50 spots. This club has 2 shipments, which include 3 teas, a teacup, tea cloth, and “surprises”. I was also able to add on other Kuura teas to ship with the club.
The first shipment, which arrived in September, included a booklet, teacup, and 200g raw sheng puer cake.

The cup has delicate walls and a griddy unglazed texture on the outside.

The booklet covers more information on the puer material, artwork, and photos of the tea forest. For the 2023 spring sheng, it was a few kilograms gathered from a small grove of old trees in Xishuangbanna. To my surprise, they found a dead owl on the way.

Dry Leaf and Steeping Method
The wrapper (and booklet) has the club members names on it!

Ripping open the bag released a symphony of aroma – it is floral and grassy.

As usual, I used 1 gram of leaf per 15ml of gaiwan capacity, gongfu steeped in boiling water. The rinsed leaves smell potently astringent, and floral, with a bit of toast.
Tasting of 2023 Spring Kuura Esprit De Corp 2023 Tea Club
First and Second Infusion: No rinse today as I don’t care. This tea starts off sweet and smooth. It has a peachy lemon vibe with thick juicy blades of grass. Freakily, this peachy taste reminds me of the time my mom went to Japan and brought back peach flavored toothpaste. I haven’t thought of that in many years.
Immediately I’m getting a head massage. I am also drinking this at 2 pm, the first tea of the day because spent my morning off on the couch, in my frump wear, eating grapes, and watching c-dramas.

Third and Fourth Infusion: This tea is potent, tasting of buzzing honey, clovers, peaches, and peas, with a hint of bitterness. The aroma is strong but is a sweet peach toothpaste. I was expecting something rustic and wild, like psychotic owl fertilizer tea, but this is elegant, floral, sweet with an oily mouthfeel. But this tea is very calming and eye drooping, but I also am distractable and shouldn’t be near online shopping. I feel I can slump over, take a nap, and dream about flailing my arms around.

Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Infusion: My stomach said I’m done. I lost my mind for 30 minutes ranting about the fashion faux pas of cargo pants. And my hands are shaking a bit, I’m not sure if it is the tea or I’m getting carpal tunnel.
This hit peak bitter stewness and each sip nails my brain. But after drinking, the long sweet cute peach flavor slinks in. A few sips and my brain fills in a butter flavor, or my brain is the texture of butter, I’m not sure.
Somehow, two and a half hours have passed since I started this tea and I’m not sure where the time went. Maybe I passed out?

The first sheng puer from the Kuura Esprit De Corp 2023 Tea Club is pretty dang fresh with potent material. I did share some of this tea at the NW Teafest as part of my VIP table tasting and it had a good reception, though the unseasoned puer drinkers didn’t like the bitterness in the later infusions. Kuura teas always have excellent texture and body feels, so it was awesome to be a part of this tea club.
The next shipment is expected to be another raw sheng puer and a ripe shou puer! You pay upfront for the entire year of this tea club, so the cost is high to enter. Maybe this club will happen in 2024?