2019 December White2tea Club feat. 2019 XXXmas Love Pistol Sheng Puer

The 2019 December White2teaclub is an exclusive 200gram cake of 2019 XXXmas Love Pistol Edition. 2019 XXXmas Love Pistol is a huangpian (big ugly yellow leaves) blend of sheng puer. I had to drink this for Christmas, despite not trying all the October and November White2tea club teas yet. This year’s huangpian holiday cake is my favorite wrapper so far. I was planning to frame the wrapper but with my Black Friday White2tea order, I got the matching chabu! As a side note, after reading on the wrapper this is the “love pistol” edition, I cannot get this EXO song… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 September White2Tea Club

White2Tea club of September 2019 had an assortment of different teas – two black teas, a white tea, and an oolong processed into a black tea. Red Milan is available for purchase at White2Tea, whereas the rest are tea club exclusive. Red Milan Milan varietal dancongs seem a favorite of White2tea. This Red Milan, in particular, is a modern version from Guangdong processed as a black tea. Red Milan’s leaves are aromatic and smell like a grape juice box. I treated Red Milan as an oolong as I didn’t read up on the tea until I was editing my review.… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 Muzha Tieguanyin and Oriental Beauty Oolongs from Tillerman Tea

Today’s tea review I’m drinking Tillerman Tea’s 2019 Spring Muzha Tieguanyin and 2019 Summer Oriental Beauty. All teas I steeped gongfu style, 1 gram of leaf per 15ml vessel size, in boiling water. 2019 Muzha Tieguanyin from Tillerman Tea The leaf has a freshly roasted scent, caramel nuttiness. After a rinse and infusion, the hot leaf has a deep caramel and roast scent continued. First and Second Infusion: The first sip of Tillerman Tea’s Muzha Tieguanyin gives off the impression of the fresh roast. Sharp and slightly ashy, but the tea is smooth once you get past it. It’s sweet,… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 Purple Da Hong Pao Wuyi Oolong from Old Ways Tea

Purple Da Hong Pao is an offshoot varietal from classic Da Hong Pao oolong. Old Ways Tea’s 2019 Purple Da Hong Pao, in particular, had its roast job in August 2019. Leaf and Steeping Method The dry leaf smells like roasted cream, with the roast smells potent without being burnt or ashy. I’m drooling and damn excited to drink this tea. I didn’t know how much I needed Purple Da Hong Pao until I smelled it. I used 1 gram of leaf per 12ml of vessel size, aiming to do chaozhao style and “fill the gaiwan”, However, I had concerns… Continue reading, hoot!

2018 Warm Fuzzies Shou Puer from Yunnan Sourcing

Yunnan Sourcing has some excellent house brand shou puer. With my last Yunnan Sourcing order earlier in 2019, I bought a cake of 2018 Warm Fuzzies as I was in the mood for inky dark shou. Warm Fuzzies is a blend of material from 2015 to 2018 from Lincang, Simao, and Xishuangbanna, in Yunnan China. Leaf and Steeping Method 2018 Warm Fuzzies shou cake is a subtly marbled gold and brown. The scent is sweet, earthy, and like opening a bottle of India ink. I do not detect any wet pile weird smells. I leafed harder for this shou, going… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 Red Peony White Tea from Floating Leaves Tea

One of my favorite teas of all time is Floating Leaves Tea’s Red Peony, a Ruby 18 cultivar usually made into black tea, but made into white tea. I check out their Red Peony every year, deciding whether I will buy volume. If you want to compare, here is the 2016 Red Peony and 2017 Red Peony cake reviews. This year Floating Leaves Tea started a podcast, and we sampled the newest Red Peony together. Floating Leaves Tea podcast is available on all your podcast listening places as well as youtube.  After the podcast, I purchased an entire 5oz bag… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 Both Steal Boats and Meet Halfway Sheng Puer from White2Tea

After much debate, I blind caked White2tea’s 2019 Both Steal Boats and Meet Halfway, being sold on tea friends positive review, as well as White2Tea’s email description: “ I like it when Qi jumps out of nowhere and stabs me like Arya in the godswood.” Since getting Both Steal Boats, I’ve had a couple of sessions alone and with friends, and hoot, this is a good tea. I’ve been hooked on drinking it over trying the other samples I got, plus the price is nicer than the similarily addictive Lucky Puppy. Leaf and Steeping Method The dry leaf of Both… Continue reading, hoot!

Spring 2019 Nangang Competition Grade Baozhong from Tributary Teas

I lately have been having an obsession with the old-style Nangang Baozhong. Modern Baozhong, the high floral fronted low oxidized oolong, I love in the spring and summertime. The old school traditional Nangang Baozhong I find I can drink all year round as it’s less floral and more hearty. This Nangang Baozhong comes from Tributary Teas, a new online tea seller that plans to have a small rotating stock of exciting Taiwanese teas shipped from California. Right now on their site, they got a number of uncommon oolongs. For Oolong Owl readers – 20% off and free 25-gram sample with… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 Organic Chingjing Gaoshan High Mountain and Hong Shui from Tillerman Tea

On the tea table today is Tillerman Tea’s Organic Chingjing Oolongs – a Gaoshan High Mountain and a Hong Shui. These are both by farmer Yen Ching-Yu (Katie). I have had these teas from previous years, so it will be interesting to see what has changed with the season and technique. Organic Chingjing Gaoshan High Mountain Oolong Tillerman’s Organic Chingjing Gaoshan High Mountain Oolong is of Qing Xin cultivar that is grown at 1800m. This is a Spring 2019 oolong with 35% oxidation and lightly baked. The dry leaf smells soft sweet and floral. After a rinse, the leaf smells… Continue reading, hoot!

2019 August White2Tea Club Feat. 2014 Gongmei Brick and 2019 Dangerfield Sheng

If you are reading this review at release, yes this is the 2019 August White2Tea Club and it is November. I am catching up slowly. Generally, I drink these clubs in order, but August I did not. Upon hearing there was a 2014 Gongmei white tea sample in it, to be sold as a 500 gram brick, I drank it immediately in case I need to make use of the discount code with the added bonus there was a free shipping sale too. And guess what, I did make use of the discount code.   View this post on Instagram  … Continue reading, hoot!