Fujian Rain & Fujian Baroque from Adagio Teas

Lets try a couple of Adagio Teas Fujian Teas – Fujian Rain and Fujian Baroque! Right off the bat I noticed something odd with my samples. On the website, they don’t post the weight of their samples, other than “X cups”. With the samples in my possession, I learn that Fujian Rain is a 14 gram sample, whereas Fujian Baroque says 23 grams. Looking at the website, both teas aren’t sold in a consistent size either – Rain is sold in 2oz/8oz, Baroque 3oz/16oz, but close in unit price. That said, the next person who asks me, “How big are Adagio’s… Continue reading, hoot!

Will it Gongfu? Oolong Edition

We must ask the age old question…. Will it Gongfu? I’m sure it has been burning a hole in your gaiwan on whether non-gongfu typical teas will gongfu. There is quite a lot of things to cover, so just oolong for today. Will it Gongfu? Flavored Oolong I will be using Banana Oolong from 52 Teas. I admit, this tea is old and I need to drink it before it goes funky. However, this is a good blend that has things I like to see in a flavored tea – mostly tea (not trail mix), true to flavor, and does not have… Continue reading, hoot!

Art of Tea Oolong Review

Today’s review is four oolongs from Art of Tea – Rose Oolong, 12:00 PM, Orchid Oolong, and Wuyi Oolong. I haven’t had Art of Tea in awhile, but I recall them having some pretty nice teas oolongs like Mandarin Silk and 99% Oxidized Purple Oolong. Rose Oolong – The dry leaf has a strong rose scent, up there on that potpourri vibe. For the reviews today, I did western style, but I also used my grandpa mug (The Wall by Boreal Wildcraft) so I can get an extended infusion for fun. For this oolong, I steeped 5 grams, 200F for… Continue reading, hoot!

Tisano Chocolate Tea Review

I have a bad sweet tooth. As much as I drink all this oolong and puer, I still like having tea that tastes like sweets in hope that saves me from eating a slice of cake. Maybe. Tisano sent me a bunch of their Chocolate Tea to try and their product sounded very interesting. Tisano Chocolate tea is 100% pure organic cacao shell with no flavorings – that said, a caffeine free tisane. Dry Bits I was expected a handful of cacao nibs, but instead I got these thin curls of bean. These are technically cacao shells made by some special… Continue reading, hoot!

Create Your Own Tea – Purify Tea

I have a lot of fun at these “Create Your Own Tea” shops. Purify Tea has some excellent teas and herbs to choose from, along with a great interface. The blend you make at Purify tea is all natural, no artificial added flavoring – the tea and herbals you choose make the flavor. They have 10 tea bases to choose from  at this time – Kenyan Garden, Imperial Puer, Mountain Ceylon, Himalayan Caramel, Ocean Sencha, Jasmine Allure, Honey Rooibos, White Spring, Chocolate Oolong, and Golden Darjeeling. I am really impressed with their base selection, especially with a Nepal black, Indian White, and… Continue reading, hoot!

IKEA Instant Drink mix with Matcha and Lingonberry

Since I have consumed so much matcha for Oolong Owl and behind the scenes, that I’ve experienced a lot of good and bad matcha. Part it has become a joke when I come across really strange matcha or bad matchas. I was at IKEA buying end tables, and I made a last stop to get an IKEA frozen yogurt while my husband bought a jar of herring, frozen meatballs, and Lingonberry soda. While I was waiting, I saw this display and had a big laugh. IKEA Instant Tea in Matcha, Mate, and Rooibos varieties! Before I thought it through, I threw… Continue reading, hoot!

Korean Dong Cheon Sejak Teas from What-Cha

I’m always on the hunt for Korean teas… though they also tend to be expensive. I was able to get in a deal with What-Chat Teas over reddit awhile back to preorder/group buy/meet his minimum order for these Korean teas. There is a few other sellers that carry Dong Cheon as well, but both teas, Korea Dong Cheon Sejak Jaksulcha Green Tea and Korea Dong Cheon Sejak Dancha Black Tea, are available on What-Cha. Korea Dong Cheon Sejak Jaksulcha Green Tea Sejak refers to picking time, thus this is a Spring 2016 tea. What-Cha has a summer picking available, aka Daejak. Jaksul means “Sparrow’s Tongue”,… Continue reading, hoot!

February 2017 White2Tea Club feat. Long Jing Green Tea

A tea friend of got his February 2017 White2Tea Club box early and I thought he was trolling when he told me what were the teas that month. GREEN TEA?????? From 2016 with preorders for 2017? This month – Long Jing Green tea and 200X Traditional Storage Qing Bing. Long Jing Soooooo… green tea. I am really out of practice on how to green tea. I just don’t drink the stuff other than torture sessions with various bad or good matchas. I have been finding the more I get into young puer, the less green tea appeals to me. I can… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Fridays at Phoenix Tea

I visited Phoenix Tea last year, however since then they have moved to a new location. Phoenix Tea is on the other end of Seattle for me, so I haven’t visited as much as I’d like to. However, I made the trek a couple Fridays ago as each week Crimson Lotus Tea is slinging tea, plus Teadb was making an appearance that day. I ended up hanging out there most of the day drinking tea. First, let’s tour the new Phoenix Tea location. The new shop is quite sprawling, which is great as there is lots of goodies to look at… Continue reading, hoot!

January 2017 White2Tea Club feat Butter Flower, Milan, and Shui Xian Oolong

Finally, the January 2017 White2Tea Club! The mail has been pretty terrible coming out of China lately, likely a large cause being near Lunar New Year. Oddly, my February 2017 club arrived before my January one! People have been bugging me for weeks to review these teas, Butter Flower in particular, but there was nothing I could do as the shipment was delayed! January 2017 White2Tea club features a sampling of White2Tea’s new oolongs – Butter Flower, Milan Dancong, and Shui Xian. All oolongs are available for purchase now. Dry Leaf and Steeping Method Butter Flower has a distinct floral scent. My… Continue reading, hoot!