Sunday Tea Hoots 27 – Moldy times

Over the last few weeks I’ve been feeling under the weather with health issues. Worrying about upcoming medical insurance changes doesn’t help with the stress either. My response has been to camp in front of my computer with giant tea mugs, knitting, and World of Warcraft adventures. That said, my neglected owl house has been a disaster of messes – feathers, paper, boxes, fur, and dishes everywhere. My tea area is covered in a mound of tea pots, dirty cups, samples, tea books, and handouts. In a moment of “I’m going to get stuff done!” mood, I cleaned up my tea… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Miro Tea, Seattle WA

My visit to Miro Tea was an impulse visit about a month back. Miro Tea is located in the Ballard area of Seattle. I was heading to Floating Leaves Tea, but I arrived excessively early, leaving me to wander around the area. Miro Tea is less than a 10 minute walk from Floating Leaves, so you can easily visit both shops.  For a special treat, walk a few blocks to visit Full Tilt Ice cream for some tea ice cream! Ballard is yet another tea pocket in Seattle, the other being the International District. Miro Tea was busy and had a coffee shop… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl Hoots the 2016 Northwest Tea Festival

I attended the 2016 Northwest Tea Festival in Seattle, WA! It was being held October 1 and 2. I was only able to attend the Saturday, but I was there for the entire day from open to closed. It was SO PACKED that my best pictures was after close as there was no huge mass of crowds. For public tea festivals, I have attended the Los Angeles Tea Festival three times. The Northwest Tea Festival was easily 4 or 5 times larger, attracting long lines for some samples, sold out tastings, and jammed unmovable crowds. It attracted quite a different crowd… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 26 – I Felt My Kidneys

I felt my kidneys yesterday. Yesterday was a full on tea day and binge. The day started with me going to Floating Leaves Tea for a Bulang mountain puer tasting class. So far I have only wrote about the High Mountain tasting event, but I have also attended a Nannuo puer and Phoenix Dancong tasting class, all very educational with great tea! Here was the tasting pile for Bulang! Going in I expected some really bitter puer typical of Bulang, however we also had some Bulang area puer that had so much energy or feels of being jolted awake. The Bulang on the… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 25 – Puer Storage Drama

For the last Sunday Tea Hoot I mentioned briefly at the end that I got a new Pumidor. For the new puer people, a “pumidor” is a vessel that stores puer in a controlled environment. Fridges do well as pumidors as they are well insulated, thus make pretty stable environments. Anyways, I am here to tell you all my tale of my puer storage drama. I have never talked about how I store my puer since it has always been in a state of learning, then limbo, or “something better was coming.” In my early days of puer (which you… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Oolong Owl’s first visit to the Seattle International District

A few months back I visited the Seattle International District, looking for tea. I was meeting a friend, but I made good time enough to check out the scene… …and have a slice of green tea, taro, and chocolate mousse cake at a bakery. The highlight was two tea shops in the area – New Century Tea Gallery and Seattle’s Best Tea. Both shops have an online website, but it doesn’t give it justice to actually visiting the shop. While I was in the International District I found another two tea shops, one wasn’t open yet, and the other didn’t… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 24 – The Summer Seattle Tea Party

I drafted the bulk of this blog post at 3:11 am Sunday, as I was unable to sleep. The day before, Saturday, I had a big housewarming / potluck style / husband birthday / bbq / tea party. The food was crazy as I purchased a whole Filipino lechon pig. Plus I made lumpia, tea sous vide salmon, desserts, and friends who brought awesome vegetable dishes. Parties are stressful and tiring to host but I prepped as much as I could in advance so all I had to do was deal with some appetizers and the salmon. I also coped by starting a solo tea party early with… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl’s Tea Beauty Product Collection Summer 2016

I do not mention it much on Oolong Owl, but I am a bit of a beauty junkie. I got well over a hundred nail polishes and my lip stick stash is starting to look a little out of control. My hand lotion stash is so bad you likely can go to every room in my house and find hand lotion. Like health benefits, I’m not particularly sold on tea adding anything special to my beauty products. However, since I love tea I am drawn to tea ingredients or themes for all my other products. While I was packing and unpacking my… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 23 – Owls in the Park

Not too long ago I decided to be a tourist in my new city of Seattle. I visited the Woodland Park Zoo mostly because there are owls there. All I wanted was to see the owls and eat garlic waffle fries. I went with a flask full of White2Tea Bang Dong Hong, a DSLR camera, and my husband who ate 2 orders of waffle garlic fries. Before I encountered the owls, I had to walk through the entire place where I encountered other critters to practice my camera skills. Zoom lens to get right up in the bear’s grill! Wolf sighted, I… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Floating Leaves Tea in Seattle Part 1/2

Since arriving in Seattle, I have visited Floating Leaves Tea twice – the place is just that cool! Floating Leaves Tea is located in the Ballard area of Seattle.  Ballard is a little out of the way to get to from downtown Seattle, but once you are there it is a fun area with lots of interesting shops and food. Floating Leaves Tea’s shop is small, but the first time I walked in I was greeted by the scent of roasted tea – the owner Shiuwen was roasting some oolong in the shop! Fresh roasted tea has such a nice smell!… Continue reading, hoot!