Hooty Tea Travels – Phoenix Tea Shop in Seattle

A tea friend and I visited a couple Seattle tea shops while she was in town. First on our list was Phoenix Tea Shop, which is located in a quirky area of Seattle called Burien. Outside the tea shop, whoa check out that amazing mural! I was told Phoenix Tea specializes in dark teas, however they had quite a selection of other teas. They had some whole heichas and some pu’er cakes. There was a number of teas I recognized as they were sourced from Yunomi, Yunnan Sourcing, and Tealet. They also had some interesting teas such as a line… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl’s World Tea Expo 2016 Hooty Haul

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 This is it – the World Tea Expo 2016 HAUL! I flew down with a half empty (un-expanded) carry on suitcase. I got too much stuff that I had to mail a large flat rate home, plus smuggle in tea that didn’t fit in the box in my sweater as the airline were pretty firm on 2 bags only. I also bought something that TSA would of hated. I shipped my box Friday afternoon at the Las Vegas airport. My box arrived Monday afternoon! Upon opening… sad owl… something exploded. Upon investigation,… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 22 – Tea Binge and Withdrawal

I’ve recently come back from the World Tea Expo. I’ve now done three World Tea Expos and the days after seem to go the same. For three days you drink (well at least I drink) an insane amount of tea – a true long weekend binge drinking of just tea. You got samples to taste at every booth and likely you will be trying more than one of their teas, or multiple steepings. The Expo ends at 5:30pm, and likely one just continues drinking tea to stay awake for the evening of checking out the strip, conquering Vegas buffets, or in… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl Hoots the World Tea Expo 2016 – Day 3

Day 1 | Day 2 | Haul Last day of WTE is usually a short and slow one. This year was different as there was still plenty of action going on. I did a couple walk throughs of the whole place to make sure I saw everything, but also wandering to see anything being sold and connecting with friends. There was one booth, Royal Tea New York, that I must of walked by for two days and didn’t notice until the puer detection sensors went off when they where unwrapped a puer cake. This is a wholeseller, however it turns out they have pressed their own spring 2016 sheng… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl Hoots the World Tea Expo 2016 – Day 2

Day 1 | Day 3 | Haul I barely slept last night – it might of been the insane amounts of caffeine I drank the day before, excited nervousness, or just the strangeness of staying at Circus Circus. When people ask me how this year’s World Tea Expo has been going, I’ve been saying it has been really busy for me. I’m struggling to get to each booth and I’ve noticed sellers have been doing a great effort as I’ve been at each booth much longer than previous years. Today I had some really unique teas and experiences that made this day… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl Hoots the World Tea Expo 2016 – Day 1

Day 2 | Day 3 | Haul  Welcome to the Oolong Owl Hooty coverage of the World Tea Expo 2016! This year the World Tea Expo is held June 15 – 17 in the Las Vegas Convention Center! I flew in Tuesday night and I’m staying at Circus Circus. I expect a few nights stumbling back here tea drunk, hopefully in better shape than Hunter S Thompson. I am here with ZERO tea, no tea in my suitcase, nor travel tea tumbler. I expect I will thoroughly rectify my lack of tea situation over the next few days. I decided this year to bring… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 21 – Unpacking

My stuff is in my new house! Since Tuesday I have been unpacking, meeting with maintenance people, and carrying groceries/supplies by foot as I have no car yet. All my tea things are gathered in the family room, ready to unpack. I have not yet unpacked anything as my shelving isn’t put together yet. Yeah, that is a lot of tea stuff. That is almost 100% tea stuff in those 7 boxes, 3 under bed plastic tubs, assorted tins, bags, wrapped stuff, and puer in a jammed carry-on sized suitcase. This isn’t counting the Tea Owls of course, they are in… Continue reading, hoot!

Hooty Tea Travels – Perennial Tea Room in Seattle Pike Place Market

I came across this tea shop by accident while I was touring Pike Place Market. It looked quite busy (as Pike Place Market on a sunny weekend is crazy packed with people), so I came back on a week day while I was in the area. Perennial Tea Room is located in the Post Alleyway, just up half a block from the main Pike Place Market. You can’t miss it if you are walking down the hill to Pike Place Market, or wandering around the area. Perennial Tea Room has been there for 26 years! The staff at Perennial Tea Room were… Continue reading, hoot!

Oolong Owl is going to the 2016 World Tea Expo!

World Tea Expo, get ready for the thirsty Tea Owls! I will be attending the 2016 World Tea Expo in Las Vegas, June 15 to 17. This is a tea industry only event showcasing brand new tea products, award winning North America Tea Championship teas, tasting events and information conferences, World Tea awards for people in the industry, and featuring many tea sellers – some you already know and love! I try to check out every booth, here is a list of exhibitors if there is a tea seller you want me to lurk around longer at. Of course, the World… Continue reading, hoot!

Sunday Tea Hoots 20 – Moving in!

Success, permanent Seattle housing acquired! I’m officially here to stay. I am in the process of moving my things from my airbnb to my house. I moved the suitcase of pu’er first, I figured I would have little time for pu’er sessions during the move. So far all I have been drinking is 2016 black teas I got from Yunnan Sourcing in a travel tumbler and bumming around for water and wifi. By the way, I enjoyed staying at my airbnb – my host has this mega tea pot that is likely more than half gallon/2 liters. This is tea pot is bigger than… Continue reading, hoot!