2023 March White2tea Club feat. Lapsun, Predawn Dark, and Harlequin

The 2023 March White2tea club arrived with a selection of oolongs. But also included are a couple of new roasted White2tea teas that are teas that are not typically roasted – Predawn Dark Roasted Shou, Hareliqun Roasted Sheng, as well as Lapsun, a puer material black made into Lapsang Souchong. All these teas come in both 8g mini balls and 200g cakes. I figure most would be more interested in reviews of those teas, which you can get outside the White2tea Club, so let’s do those! 2023 Predawn Dark Roasted Shou Puer Predawn Dark is a White2tea shou blend roasted… Continue reading, hoot!